Wait, what’s a Dlog?

MadLog, of course! Welcome to the new and improved Road Notes, now wearing a dressy new brand – or a brandy new dress – with lots of your old favorite Mad Agnes songs: One Wild Dlove, A Manic-Depressive MadriLog, Everything I Needed to Know about Love I Learned from My Dlog… Get the picture? Of course you do. Check in here for everything we’re up to, be it music, shenanigans, embroidery, spontaneous singing near strangers, and various photos proving we left the house.

I wasn’t kidding about the embroidery. I’m making an embroidered Mad Agnes journal wheel for 2024, in the color palette of Likely Story. Because I don’t have enough to do already, with a busy day job and band activities ramping up.

What the heck is a journal wheel? It’s a round embroidered calendar consisting of tiny icons representing all the things that we did and the places we played. Because I NEED another arts and crafts project, to fill up all the spare time I always have. But look! It’s so cute and tiny! This Likely Story icon is less than an inch square.

But arts and crafts aside, what else is up?

We played recently at The Bitter End in John Platt’s “On Your Radar” showcase. Such a fun day, lots of nostalgia (and traffic) being back in NYC, and Sandy Bailey, one of the other guest artists, even had a baritone ukulele just like mine.

Needless to say, the night was Fulla Yes.     (PHOTO: Chris Saunders)

Last weekend we played at the lovely and welcoming Our Times Coffeehouse in Garden City, NY. When we came into the parking lot I remembered something special about the place… What was it? Something from long ago stirred my memory… OH YEAH. In the back of the parking lot is a giant mulberry tree with the biggest mulberries I’ve ever seen. Wouldn’t you know there wasn’t a ladder on the property? I had to look at all those dead ripe berries from the ground, with no way to pick them. Next time, I’m thinking, a ladder rider in the contract. You do not want to miss out on found mulberries. They are so rare, and so special.

(Spoken like a true forager, I know.)

Thank you to everyone who came out, whether you’d heard us before or not! We love it when you take a chance on music that’s new to you, and we love it when you come back.

We’re looking forward to a couple of local gigs coming up here shortly, and I’m trying to finish a song or two that have been rattling around in the mind palace. BUT, because life isn’t all work, here is what we’ve been watching, reading and listening to of late:

Adrienne says — Ken Follett’s “Winter of the World,” second book in the Century Trilogy. LOVE Ken Follett… historical fiction with riveting story lines and characters. Re-watching “Severance” with my sister so we’ll be prepared for season 2 which is coming out soon. Watching “Dark Matter,” which explores the Multiverse idea, one of my obsessions. Bridgerton (of course), White Collar, and a Maria Bamford comedy special, because she absolutely rocks and she’s so delightfully demented. To pass time in the day job I listen to podcasts, notably RadioLab and Invisibilia. Oh, and one for Severance nerds called “Severed: The Ultimate Severance Podcast,” which breaks down every episode moment by moment in the most nerdy way possible. Do not listen to it if you haven’t already watched season one.

Margo says — Reading “Knife” by Salman Rushdie, about being stabbed 14 times by an individual he calls, “My assailant, my would-be assassin, short for Ass, or just A.” The attack was presumably brought on by the fatwa (Islamic ruling) calling for Rushdie’s assassination, calling his novel, “The Satanic Verses,” an insult to Islam. It’s fascinating!

I’m also reading my garden — harvesting red clover and basil, transplanting, weeding—all while getting my share of poison ivy.  You’d think I’d be able to read that by now…

Mark says — Just finished watching “Sugar” on AppleTV, and “Fargo” on Hulu. Listening to the podcast “SmartLess.”

That’s it for now. Big Announcement coming soon! What could it be? Tell you next time.


Adrienne (forMeMargoMark)

Mad Agnes

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